I was glancing through the internet and I found this hilarious,interesting letter from an ex-wife to her ex husband new girlfriend so I choose to share it on Charlian's blogspot..What do you think about this..honest,real,intimate? Well Read Below:
You must be cringing as you read this. You must be thinking I'm going to school you on how to treat your new boyfriend. You must be thinking I'm going to lay down some laws about how to treat my children.
That is not at all what this letter is about.
I would like to welcome you;Welcome to this unique dynamic of "modern family." Welcome to the way we wing this life and this relationship. Yes, I said relationship, but not by its standard definition.
The children keep us in a relationship, much like your work keeps you in a relationship with your boss. If success is the goal, whether in work or parenting, the relationship between those who strive for that is important. I will not fill this letter with none-of-my-business-type of advice on how to treat a man I have known since I was 20. I won't tell you anything that is personal about him; anything that he chooses to share is between you two. I'm not going to tell you why things did not work between us. All I will say on the subject of us is what I say to everyone:
To me, he's a great guy -- for someone else;This might sound weird, but I'm so excited about you. My sons will see a side of their father that they don't even know they missed. They'll witness the kind of happiness that blooms from the excitement, joy and mystery that comes with a new relationship. They'll see their father beaming with hope. They'll hear him laugh (too much and too loud, as they've reported to us) and speak with a new charm in his voice. And because they love and admire him, all of these things will make them happier, too.
I want you to know that it is so important to be yourself around us. Please don't ever feel threatened, intimidated or out of place around us. Just like you, we are also fumbling through the newness of your place in our lives. We trust that if you are good enough for