Friday 28 March 2014

Health Tips: How to Lose Weight Easily

Losing weight can mosttime take a lot of sweat and discipline, but even when you're not powering through counting calories, there are a lot of simpler ways that you can to lose weight easily.Doing these 10 little tricks daily can
help you lose weight,It doesn't require a gym or diet

*Always start a meal with a glass of water:Drinking a cup of water in the morning helps rebuild the body systems,you'll stay hydrated and feel fuller instantly, which can help you from overeating.

*Opting for fresh fruit instead of dried can save you dozens of calories.

*Have a piece of dark chocolate for dessert: Instead of opting for the cookies in the break room, quiet your sugar cravings with a piece of dark chocolate. It may not feel quite as satisfying the first few times, but as you wean yourself off your sugar addiction, you'll be glad you're saving calories while having a healthy yet decadent treat.

* Be diligent with portion control: If you want to lose weight, sticking to the right portions at every meal is important.Be if food  or any meal you want to eat.You can also measure out snacks beforehand instead of eating from the nylon bag,

* Moving/Walking Around :This helps to burn out a few extra calories, by making an effort to move a little more during the day it burns it out. Taking breaks to walk around the office,house or opting for the stairs is a simple ways to burn your calorie.

* Don't drink your calories: It's a common reason why you're not seeing results - those empty calories from a daily soda, morning juice, or large glass of wine at dinner can really add up. Stick to water flavored with a fresh ingredients like cucumber, lemon, or mint in order to save on important calories.

* Don't go hungry too long: A little hunger can be good for you, but starving yourself all day in order to lose weight "splurge" is both unhealthy and diet sabotage. Eat well-timed meals and snacks in order to avoid low blood sugar levels that cause you to crash.


* Stay clear of the empty, high-calorie options like chips and crackers, and go for protein- and fiber-rich foods that taste good and fill you up too.

* Eat a light, early dinner.Eating too much too late can cause digestion and sleep issues that make it hard to stick to a healthy routine.Have your meal at least two to three hours before going to bed.

* Get more sleep. Lack of sleep can cause you to eat more throughout the day and not have enough energy for your workouts, so aim for at least seven hours of sleep every night. It's an easy and effective way to keep your weight-loss goals on the right track.

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