Here I listed out some points married family or people in a relationship have that lead to separation and I also elaborate on how you can avoid these break up in your relationship or family.
1) Why Isn't Our Sex Life Like The First Time?
hmmmmmm Well woman do not feel or say this things but the men always worry about this sex things,Truly SEX stands as one of this tricks for a lasting relationship. Ladies do not panic if their husband didn't make love with them for week(s) but the men does which isn't suppose to be so.To the men have you asked yourself this question?
Am I helping my wife/girlfriend get into the sex mood while we are about making love by getting her into the mood with enough romance? Anyways you know the answers and your wife also does or is it that you (Men) always think about money money money work work work where that your emotions is gone that you do not have your wife/girlfriend's time? This is it,In other to avoid this argument settle this when everywhere is peaceful and there is not niose (you know what I mean Night Stuffs)..It really will help to solve your home from crashing.
2) Why do you use our kids against me over our quarrel?
This reminded me of couples who live next to our flat,each time they have misunderstand the man always believe that his wife use's the kids against him,Well the truth of the matter remains that thier marriage are not called sweet marriage anymore it is called unhappy home.This couple tend to call all sort of names to each other and blame eachother in front of their kids.Thier kids crys for a stop but either parents wont with this accident it has created a bad omen into child instead of good.Which and what ever choice the couple have chosen that doesn't been thier children should have a healthy and happy life.Their primary objective is making thier children happy in both ways because the best gift you can give your children is a unique model of a good adult relationship.

3) You Do Not Know My Worth So You Took Me For Granted....
Couples complain about this problem all the time...This is what we call a sign that you're suppose to let your guard down, in other to avoid getting into this the mess couples should always watch the words they utter to each other...Stop assuming you know what your spouse is thinking or feeling.Meet him/her work it out together for a happy home.
4) Do you we still have fight over the same issues?
When couple are telling their own side of the story,you will ask your self are both parties not there when it all happened? Why different story of their fight,lol ..Any couple who does this things I think they lack ability to accept their fults.To settle this issues give example with your spouse as much as you can.
5) Why are we not communicating again?
This seems to trend in the aged couples,yes they do fight over lack of communication..By stop being honest,not being open minding and hiding things from each other,they a couple find out of this it leads to misunderstand,lack of trust and arquement. Do not think when communication is dead in a relationship it does not have solution,Hey hit does! Call each other to work it out to keep the union both parties needs to feel safe to be honest and open mind about feelings.
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