Allergies they’ve been around as long as people have. Even with new medicines and vaccines, sometimes we can’t help but cough . What about our favorite celebrities? Let’s take a look at what allergen has them down.

1. KELLY CLARKSON:What do you think that this music icon suffers from
on a daily basis? Well, lots of things; from pollen to dog hair as well
as a mild peanut allergy. If you can name it, Kelly has probably had a
rash over it. It must be difficult for a star of her size and fame, who
frequently tours and performs in all sorts of venues that can never
truly be allergen-free. Plus, a performer always has to be on top of her
game, and it must be so difficult to do with all the itching, redness,
swelling and sneezing.Apparently, Clarkson has experienced different
allergy symptoms, so in 2013, she underwent a routine procedure called a
prick test, to determine which exact substances she’s allergic to. She
later tweeted that she was stuck with 54 needles and deserved a lollipop
or a sticker for enduring all that. She added that she is allergic to
so many things, she should be living in a bubble.
: We know and love her for her role as Grace in the hit US show Will
and Grace. What you might not have known is that she suffers
immeasurably with hay fever.
That might explain the cute little red
nose.It’s hard enough having to endure all those irritating, frustrating
allergy symptoms, but it gets particularly horrible when it messes with
your appearance, i.e. ruins your look. She talked about the so-called
“allergy face” on several occasions. For those who are fortunate enough
not to suffer from hay fever, an “allergy face” is when your eyes get
red and watery, as well as puffy, your face swells and becomes covered
in red blotches.Not a pretty sight, that’s for sure. Messing knows
all about it since she’s been suffering from pollen allergies since she
was a little girl. That’s why she shared some advice for fellow
sufferers, from saline drops to ice-cold aloe juice and fragrance-free
makeup.3. SELENA GOMEZ:Another sufferer of hay fever as well as sneezing wildly around freshly cut grass, Selena says that one of her favourite things to do is sneeze. Bless you.Allergic rhinitis is what doctors call that thing when your nose is runny and you can’t stop sneezing because of your allergies. Like a cold or a flu, it’s not a pleasant thing, for sure. However, according to Gomez, sneezing is actually quite fun. We’re not sure whether Selena was serious when she said this because sneezing can actually bring relief, at least momentarily, or if she was being sarcastic, which would make more sense because does anyone really love to sneeze?The star who started as a kid on Barney and Friends and Wizards of Waverly Place and later on famously dated Justin Bieber, was diagnosed with lupus in 2015, so those pesky allergies are probably the least of her health concerns now.
4.KIM KADISHIAN:So what can the stunning new mother be allergic to? You guessed it, baby powder. That’s right! There’s something that irritates her skin in the talc and brings her up in a mild rash. Luckily she has Kanye to do the changes. Oh and she’s also allergic to cats. No pets allowed.Like pretty much everything else in her life, Kim made sure her allergy saga was well publicized, so she even released a video clip of herself visiting a Florida allergist. A long-time allergy sufferer, Kim finally had it up to here with unsightly rashes and annoying sneezing, and that’s when she found out she was allergic to talc and also to cat hair.Which is unfortunate since talc is a common ingredient of many cosmetic products, and we all know how she loved her cat (remember that obituary she released when the cat passed away?)
5.JIll McGIll:What does a pro golfer do best? Well, plenty of things, but we’d imagine being allergic to freshly cut grass is a bit of a downer. Jill isn’t too put off by her allergy though. In fact, she says that it helps her focus on the field.Many golfers actually get hooked on the sport out of their love for the great outdoors, immaculate lawns and fresh air. Not McGill though, who is, ironically, allergic to grass. And not just any kind of grass – fresh cut grass. Where do you find grass that is cut daily to assure perfect height of the leaves? Well, at a golf course, that’s where.Nothing says dedication, resolution and strength, not to mention the absolute passion about the sport, as exposing yourself day after day to what makes you feel absolutely lousy. McGill says that there was a time she was forced to put little balls of tissue paper up her nostrils to keep fluid from pouring out every time she played or practiced golf.
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